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Jaykumar T

Full Member
Dec 6, 2018
Is this data seems good or bad.. Data of first 7 days

New channel created on 2nd december 2018.
Rightnow 9th Dec 2018 - 155 subscribers.
Total channel views 7,600
Total watch time : 20,800 minutes

does this data seems good for my channel? or should i need to improve it...

Share your thoughts about it..


Jaykumar T

Full Member
Dec 6, 2018
Is this data seems good or bad.. Data of first 9 days

New channel created on 2nd december 2018.
Rightnow 10th Dec 2018 - 175 subscribers.
Total channel views 7,600
Total watch time : 20,800 minutes
Video uploaded : 12 videos.

does this data seems good for my channel? or should i need to improve it...

Share your thoughts about it..



Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 18, 2017
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Just thought of another idea that might help you grow, you seem fluent in both English and Hindi so maybe you could add English subtitles to your videos so viewers from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Sweden, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa... the list goes on, can understand what you’re saying in your videos.

I would subscribe to your channel and watch your videos if you did. ;-)

Jaykumar T

Full Member
Dec 6, 2018
Just thought of another idea that might help you grow, you seem fluent in both English and Hindi so maybe you could add English subtitles to your videos so viewers from US, UK, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Sweden, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa... the list goes on, can understand what you’re saying in your videos.

I would subscribe to your channel and watch your videos if you did. ;-)

I will do translate my videos into english. Generally i get free time after afternoon. So, i will do it. You can subscribe my channel.. I will translate daily 3 to 4 videos into english..

It takes 4 days to translate all ones. because of 12 videos uploaded.

Well, u r right about adding subtitles in english language. So, i can get more views and engagement.


I will inform you once all videos are translated into english :)