Gaming Introducing myself! (Youtube gamer)

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Josh Powell

New User
Apr 3, 2017
Hi everyone, i'm josh and thought as George has suggested this as a way to grow i should at least give it a try. I create mainly FIFA and Call of Duty videos on YouTube but I am currently a very small you tuber. However I still try to produce at least one video a week,


Full Member
Mar 27, 2017
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
HEY DUDE :D , Welcome To Freedom! :D

Call of Duty is everywhere, and that is not a bad things dude everybody starts somewhere, but make sure that you are unique and confident, but confidence really comes with time so yeah try to always develop and never give up, and we have your back BRO!

Anyways, i think that you should add a Sub Button under your signature which you can do if you follow the instructions of the Pinned Thread in this section of the forum, that will actually help us to check out your channel easier dude :D