Community Introducing Our Community Channel.

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New User
Mar 30, 2016
Hello Freedom! community. I am zim, the owner of this community channel, and me and my team would like to introduce ourselves to the YouTube and this community!

First of all, I would like to tell you all what we do. "gasmask." is a community channel for editors across the globe! We bring daily uploads of edits from Call Of Duty, CS:GO, and Minecraft! Our goal is to entertain you, and the audience by showing you the best edits from the most talented editors from the community.

We've grown over 84 subscribers in the past two months, and rapidly growing... We would love you to join our community.

Want to upload onto gasmask? Message is via youtube, or comment on our latest video! Here are some requirments:

- Be subscribed to "gasmask."

- Use our intro for a better chance of getting accepted (you can find the intro om our channel)

- Can't be too short, 15 seconds or more! (intros don't count as seconds)

- Has to be creative, and has to show you put effort into the edit
Please Don't Steal Edits!

Haven't subscribed yet? Click The Link To Subscribe! (Link Soon)



Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello Freedom! community. I am zim, the owner of this community channel, and me and my team would like to introduce ourselves to the YouTube and this community!

First of all, I would like to tell you all what we do. "gasmask." is a community channel for editors across the globe! We bring daily uploads of edits from Call Of Duty, CS:GO, and Minecraft! Our goal is to entertain you, and the audience by showing you the best edits from the most talented editors from the community.

We've grown over 84 subscribers in the past two months, and rapidly growing... We would love you to join our community.

Want to upload onto gasmask? Message is via youtube, or comment on our latest video! Here are some requirments:

- Be subscribed to "gasmask."

- Use our intro for a better chance of getting accepted (you can find the intro om our channel)

- Can't be too short, 15 seconds or more! (intros don't count as seconds)

- Has to be creative, and has to show you put effort into the edit
Please Don't Steal Edits!

Haven't subscribed yet? Click The Link To Subscribe! (Link Soon)

That's nice that you're appealing to people on a profession sense. Can we get to know you from the personal side as well? In the freedom forums, we love to learn about people first, and business later. What team did you bring with yourself? Do you like long walks on the beach? The link I sent you below, has tips/tricks to getting people to talk more with you. We're glad that you're improving, but tell me about yourself ^^