Gaming Introduction | This is me, HeadShotZombie

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Rising User
Feb 3, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
My name is Lachlan,

Where are you from?: I am from Sydney, Australia, beautiful city <3

How did you find Freedom!? I looked up "best YouTube network" and this came up and also I was into watching George's YouTube channels too!

What made you join our forums?: I think that me joining a forum would benefit me in a lot of ways

What are your hobbies?: Playing games with friends, uploading videos and then seeing what people say about my video, to me this is the best feeling in the world, which is the one of the reasons I upload.

What is your favorite food? Rice Pudding

Why did you start YouTube? I thought it was just fun chilling out with friends and recording us playing and then showing other people, turns out it was just me playing by myself haha

What is your biggest dream? Not too sure but I guess being an actor would be cool, maybe YouTube can help with that

What kind of channel do you run?: Not too sure, but I like having a playful channel

What kind of content do you upload? Gaming videos

When do you upload?: Whenever I feel like it honestly, but I am desperate in organising school along side with YouTube.

Channel link: