Gaming Introduction

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IsoHD Gaming

New User
May 10, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello fellow partners within the freedom community!!!

I'm very excited to start this journey in my life. I am a Gamer its what I love always have always will! from my first Atari all the way up to Pc and Xbox One. if it has buttons I'll probably beat you ;)

I enjoy having fun working with people and cracking jokes, I mean who isn't aren't we all here to show the world the power of laughter and sharing. I haven't any uploads yet..... This is because I want to create my channel at maximum level of professionalism. Basically I want the quality of my first video to be ideally the same as the last.

With that being said I mostly live stream for the time being, But I'm an very much working on creating constant content when decide to upload.

Your name/alias: IsoHD Gaming alot of people just call me Blitz thou
Where are you from?: Canada because everyone loves Canadian Bacon
How old are you?: 22
How did you find Freedom!? I found freedom looking for sponsors to help me start out.
What made you join our forums?: Being accepted as talent
What are your hobbies?: Video Games Bruh
What is your favorite food? Beef Jerky
Why did you start YouTube? I want to share with the world exactly what I love
What is your biggest dream? Be a role model that matters to people
What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming
How frequently do you upload?: I will start uploading twice a day on top of streams
I should have my first upload soon...

If anyone wants to Collaborate send me a message! I'm always looking for opportunity to grow. I'm very active on everything meaning I'll reply fast even if its to respectfully decline.

Thank you for reading


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey Pal , Welcome to Freedom !

You have some nice goals indeed and having a laugh is always the best time !

I wish you all the best pal and hope you enjoy your stay :D