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Banshee Videos

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 7, 2016
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YouTube Channel
Hello Freedom! Community. My name is Mike, or Mike Drago on YouTube. I haven't been able to change my name on the community and now it's set as my original name I chose...

Currently (at the time of this post) I have created 23 Videos on Youtube and I am on 14 subscribers in just 3 weeks on YouTube. I am a gaming channel and so far have mainly focused on TitanFall 2 until Mass Effect Andromeda came out (Huge fan of the franchise). I am glad that I get to put to use the skills I learned in College (Video Editing / Photoshop) to good use on my Youtube channel.

Here is some information about me :) I have been happily married since 10/09/2016 to a lovely, beautiful woman. I am lucky because I'm not that much of looker :p and she means the world to me. She is also a YouTuber. at the moment, besides being a fellow Gamer she does nail art videos and Is doing about as well as I am. I have had a hard life but I don't feel like going into it, too many bad memories before I was 10 years old... 10+ though, my life got turned around when my Grandparents took myself and my brother in to there loving, caring home (3 brothers, 1 sister) my other two brothers and sister went to live with my other grandparents. My sister knew my wife at her school years before I had even met her and she was going to introduce us :) you could call it fiat lol. I have been living with my wife since 03/01/2016 and I have never looked back. Without her support and kindness I wouldn't even be following my dreams on YouTube this year. You could say I ow her everything lol. We both have jobs and juggle YouTube and wanting our own house all at the same time. I should also say that I met her though a mutual friends birthday party and found out after my sister knew her. That was... 6 years ago I think. And we 'got together' 2 years later.

My aim on Youtube is to enjoy being a content creator and interacting with fellow people on YouTube. I love what I do and reading the satisfying comments about my videos, Like and Subscribers all make it worth while. I work for 2-3 hours a day just on editing, 0 - 2 hours rendering and 1-2 hours uploading. And that's not counting the recording process :p All worth while in the end as probably many of you will agree.

That's pretty much it from me. If you have any questions, I will reply to them to the best of my ability. And I hope you take a look at my channel and enjoy my content :) Reviews are welcome as well :) just be nice... Thank you for your time and if I don't see you on here or my channel... I wish you luck on your channel.


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"You don't know me...but you will"
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Event Winner 2017
Feb 1, 2016
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Hello Mike and welcome to the Freedom forums, That is one hell of an introduction :) sounds like you've gotten to a great start with your channel. You might want to fix the Error! in the YouTube channel box. Sounds like you have a wonderful partner too ;) I've not even had a GF before :(. Then again I'm not really focused on that right now. If you want to ask around in the collaborate section you can easily get people to make videos with you. I took a quick look at your channel, Loving the channel art, puts mine the shame :). My best advice though would be to try and mix up the thumbnails a bit as they all look to similar, even just changing the image on the right hand side each time will help. You might also want to fix the grey globe icon on your twitter, see this guide for the fix. If you need any more help with anything don't hesitate to ask here, in chat or in the support forum. I hope to see you around :)

Banshee Videos

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 7, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello Mike and welcome to the Freedom forums, That is one hell of an introduction :) sounds like you've gotten to a great start with your channel. You might want to fix the Error! in the YouTube channel box. Sounds like you have a wonderful partner too ;) I've not even had a GF before :(. Then again I'm not really focused on that right now. If you want to ask around in the collaborate section you can easily get people to make videos with you. I took a quick look at your channel, Loving the channel art, puts mine the shame :). My best advice though would be to try and mix up the thumbnails a bit as they all look to similar, even just changing the image on the right hand side each time will help. You might also want to fix the grey globe icon on your twitter, see this guide for the fix. If you need any more help with anything don't hesitate to ask here, in chat or in the support forum. I hope to see you around :)
Thank you :) I was actually just heading to work on my thumbnails believe it or not. And that Globe has been bugging me for ever lol. And I am sure the right girl is out there for you :)

Mr Grim

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Mar 30, 2017
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YouTube Channel
Great introduction dude and we'll one to the freedom family. As said above your channel art is on point. Hope you have an amazing time with us and that you get all the success you deserve with your channel.