Opinion Is It Even Possible To Be A Successful YouTuber?

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Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jul 25, 2014
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YouTube Channel
so i just kinda wanted to ramble about being a youtuber or rather becoming a youtuber, i currently have a small youtube channel that focuses mostly on gaming content, that i put all of my heart soul and effort into, as well as a few side channels i do random stuff for, now granted I know that my videos are not amazing in any way obviously or i would be a "full time youtuber", but i do as much as i can with what i have and what i know, and it is my goal to make a living from youtube, i love making videos, and i love entertaining people, and i love youtube its an amazing platform and to me it the best thing that i could do as a career in entertainment, youtube opens so many opportunities, but it scares me that traditional media is starting to take over youtube, and what scares me more is when i see decent sized channels getting concerned, of coarse you don't see people like jacksepticeye or syndicate getting concerned because they are huge influences on youtube and will not be destroyed so easily. but when i see this decent sized channels that are making a living of youtube get scared because they feel like they are competing against to much with things like Jimmy Falon and other traditionally tv shows, coming on and of coarse they are going to make better videos than us amateurs who are making budget videos, they have a huge budget to create content! and it concerns me because I've spent the last 2 years putting all i have into this channel in hope that at some point i can make a living on youtube and just for a little back story so you don think im just some kid who wants to be all famous and play games for a living and whatever and i need to grow up, well for the past 8 years at least I've been that guy who always has a camera who always takes pictures of stuff and makes videos of everything i was that guy that always had a camera and ive had a youtube channel in the past about 6 years ago i used to upload random videos to youtube and even back then before i knew you could get paid to do it i thought it would be the coolest thing to be a youtuber and i uploaded a few videos and got a certain amount of views and whatever but i was busy being a kid going to school chasing girls and eventually stopped paying a lot of attention to youtube, but then later on in my life about 3 years ago i realized you could make a living from youtube videos, and i thought wow really thats so cool! so after about a year later after going through various jobs and attending college and leaving college because i didnt want to follow the career path of culinary which is what i was going for, i decided hey maybe i can be a youtuber so i made an account, and well ive been making videos and live streaming for the past 2 years and besides a 6 month time period where i really needed some money i haven't had a job the whole time, i literally put all my time into youtube, making videos, live streaming on occasion, going on forums, watching tutorials on how to photo shop better, always just striving to do what i can to make my videos as good as i can so that i can be youtuber, but in all honestly im getting concerned that if some of these bigger youtubers are getting concerned that already have a following, if they are concerned about their channels, what makes it even remotely possible for a guy like me making mediocre videos, which again is what i can make, i try my best but i am fully aware i dont have super amazing content, and even if i did youtube is so full of kids these days trying to be the next pewdiepie that especially in the type of videos i make, its so difficult to be found in the first place, if im not the most entertaining person youve ever seen in the first 3 seconds you see me, most likely your going to click out of my video, and that makes me sad, because it is truly my dream, my goal, to be a youtuber, i dont need fame, or at least i didnt think i do, but it seem that being famous is the only way to secure a position being a youtuber, but honestly i just want to make videos and entertain people, thats what i want with my life, and ill work towards that goal no matter what stands in my way, and sure you might say well go be a stand up comedian or go be an actor, which is true ive though of doing other things in entertainment/media before, but theres something about youtube that is just different that appeals to me, and what make youtube so successful, youtube is all about the creators, and all about the relationships between the creators and the consumers, and its an amazing thing, and nobody controls you, your basically your own boss if you are a youtuber, you can set your own schedule, work at the pace you set for yourself, and you get to meet wonderful people, youtube is so amazing, and i wish i would have kept doing youtube consistently back in the day like 5 years ago because it seems that if i would have my chances of being a youtuber would be much higher then they are right now, because i find myself asking myself at this point is it even possible for me to be a youtuber, is it even possible for new comers to become youtubers or is it too late, do you have to be famous already to be a youtuber at this point, because that sucks, not just for me, but for everybody who truly has a passion for youtube but cant compete with all these high budget companies, even if they arent companies people like pewdiepie for example since hes the biggest youtuber make so much money at this point they have a high budget for making videos as well, where as again new comers like my self have little money to invest and can only do so much with what we have, and i know i should just be more creative with what i have and thats what youtube is all about is creativity, and i am trying, and i dont want to give up, but its so hard at this point to get noticed, or to even find other smaller youtubers, i would love to find small youtubers to help support, but its so hard to find good small youtubers, and maybe my sense of "good youtuber" is already at a high standard because i watch people who have higher budget and better videos, so it all comes back around to the big people being so good on youtube that smaller people just cant compete at all, i dont know man, i just dont know, and i know that youtube is not a "get rich quick" thing, but i don't care about being rich and famous, i dont aim to be the next pewdiepie or whatever, i just want to make a living doing what i enjoy, to me that is success, success is when you are happy with what you are doing for a living, and i am happy doing youtube but i definitely dont make enough to live, the only reason i can even spend this much time doing youtube is because the people who love me support me so much, and thats another point to become doubtful in whether or not i can actually be a youtuber, I dont want to waste these people that i care about, money and time, that support me so much, and believe in me so much, especially if ill never be able to pay them back for all they've done for me, especially my girlfriend, shes works 2 jobs, and attends college just so i can focus on my stupid dream while she works her ass off so i that i don't have to go get a "real job" so that i can just make my videos, it hurts to think about you know, and one of my biggest fears is just being a failure and a disappointment to those around me. which is why i try so hard to stay positive and believe in my self and what i do, because i just refuse to be a failure, i refuse to disappoint my friends and my family but anyways i should probably stop rambling now although it seems to be what im best at, if i dont edit the crap out of my videos alot of them are just me rambling a lot about random crap while i play games, anyways thanks for reading this if youve gotten through my huge wall of text, i know im not a very good writer i probably made a lot of spelling errors and i know that i dont use sentences or paragraphs, writing essays in English class really was never my strong point haha its a good thing my passion isnt writing books right? well anyways i doubt to many people will really read this post, but for the few that may have, thanks for your time in reading my random ramble. i could probably ramble a lot longer but i think ill stop now haha

Phil Kidd

Human Person
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
so i just kinda wanted to ramble about being a youtuber or rather becoming a youtuber, i currently have a small youtube channel that focuses mostly on gaming content, that i put all of my heart soul and effort into, as well as a few side channels i do random stuff for, now granted I know that my videos are not amazing in any way obviously or i would be a "full time youtuber", but i do as much as i can with what i have and what i know, and it is my goal to make a living from youtube, i love making videos, and i love entertaining people, and i love youtube its an amazing platform and to me it the best thing that i could do as a career in entertainment, youtube opens so many opportunities, but it scares me that traditional media is starting to take over youtube, and what scares me more is when i see decent sized channels getting concerned, of coarse you don't see people like jacksepticeye or syndicate getting concerned because they are huge influences on youtube and will not be destroyed so easily. but when i see this decent sized channels that are making a living of youtube get scared because they feel like they are competing against to much with things like Jimmy Falon and other traditionally tv shows, coming on and of coarse they are going to make better videos than us amateurs who are making budget videos, they have a huge budget to create content! and it concerns me because I've spent the last 2 years putting all i have into this channel in hope that at some point i can make a living on youtube and just for a little back story so you don think im just some kid who wants to be all famous and play games for a living and whatever and i need to grow up, well for the past 8 years at least I've been that guy who always has a camera who always takes pictures of stuff and makes videos of everything i was that guy that always had a camera and ive had a youtube channel in the past about 6 years ago i used to upload random videos to youtube and even back then before i knew you could get paid to do it i thought it would be the coolest thing to be a youtuber and i uploaded a few videos and got a certain amount of views and whatever but i was busy being a kid going to school chasing girls and eventually stopped paying a lot of attention to youtube, but then later on in my life about 3 years ago i realized you could make a living from youtube videos, and i thought wow really thats so cool! so after about a year later after going through various jobs and attending college and leaving college because i didnt want to follow the career path of culinary which is what i was going for, i decided hey maybe i can be a youtuber so i made an account, and well ive been making videos and live streaming for the past 2 years and besides a 6 month time period where i really needed some money i haven't had a job the whole time, i literally put all my time into youtube, making videos, live streaming on occasion, going on forums, watching tutorials on how to photo shop better, always just striving to do what i can to make my videos as good as i can so that i can be youtuber, but in all honestly im getting concerned that if some of these bigger youtubers are getting concerned that already have a following, if they are concerned about their channels, what makes it even remotely possible for a guy like me making mediocre videos, which again is what i can make, i try my best but i am fully aware i dont have super amazing content, and even if i did youtube is so full of kids these days trying to be the next pewdiepie that especially in the type of videos i make, its so difficult to be found in the first place, if im not the most entertaining person youve ever seen in the first 3 seconds you see me, most likely your going to click out of my video, and that makes me sad, because it is truly my dream, my goal, to be a youtuber, i dont need fame, or at least i didnt think i do, but it seem that being famous is the only way to secure a position being a youtuber, but honestly i just want to make videos and entertain people, thats what i want with my life, and ill work towards that goal no matter what stands in my way, and sure you might say well go be a stand up comedian or go be an actor, which is true ive though of doing other things in entertainment/media before, but theres something about youtube that is just different that appeals to me, and what make youtube so successful, youtube is all about the creators, and all about the relationships between the creators and the consumers, and its an amazing thing, and nobody controls you, your basically your own boss if you are a youtuber, you can set your own schedule, work at the pace you set for yourself, and you get to meet wonderful people, youtube is so amazing, and i wish i would have kept doing youtube consistently back in the day like 5 years ago because it seems that if i would have my chances of being a youtuber would be much higher then they are right now, because i find myself asking myself at this point is it even possible for me to be a youtuber, is it even possible for new comers to become youtubers or is it too late, do you have to be famous already to be a youtuber at this point, because that sucks, not just for me, but for everybody who truly has a passion for youtube but cant compete with all these high budget companies, even if they arent companies people like pewdiepie for example since hes the biggest youtuber make so much money at this point they have a high budget for making videos as well, where as again new comers like my self have little money to invest and can only do so much with what we have, and i know i should just be more creative with what i have and thats what youtube is all about is creativity, and i am trying, and i dont want to give up, but its so hard at this point to get noticed, or to even find other smaller youtubers, i would love to find small youtubers to help support, but its so hard to find good small youtubers, and maybe my sense of "good youtuber" is already at a high standard because i watch people who have higher budget and better videos, so it all comes back around to the big people being so good on youtube that smaller people just cant compete at all, i dont know man, i just dont know, and i know that youtube is not a "get rich quick" thing, but i don't care about being rich and famous, i dont aim to be the next pewdiepie or whatever, i just want to make a living doing what i enjoy, to me that is success, success is when you are happy with what you are doing for a living, and i am happy doing youtube but i definitely dont make enough to live, the only reason i can even spend this much time doing youtube is because the people who love me support me so much, and thats another point to become doubtful in whether or not i can actually be a youtuber, I dont want to waste these people that i care about, money and time, that support me so much, and believe in me so much, especially if ill never be able to pay them back for all they've done for me, especially my girlfriend, shes works 2 jobs, and attends college just so i can focus on my stupid dream while she works her ass off so i that i don't have to go get a "real job" so that i can just make my videos, it hurts to think about you know, and one of my biggest fears is just being a failure and a disappointment to those around me. which is why i try so hard to stay positive and believe in my self and what i do, because i just refuse to be a failure, i refuse to disappoint my friends and my family but anyways i should probably stop rambling now although it seems to be what im best at, if i dont edit the crap out of my videos alot of them are just me rambling a lot about random crap while i play games, anyways thanks for reading this if youve gotten through my huge wall of text, i know im not a very good writer i probably made a lot of spelling errors and i know that i dont use sentences or paragraphs, writing essays in English class really was never my strong point haha its a good thing my passion isnt writing books right? well anyways i doubt to many people will really read this post, but for the few that may have, thanks for your time in reading my random ramble. i could probably ramble a lot longer but i think ill stop now haha
Jesus christ. Have you heard of paragraphs...or periods??

Yes, it's possible.

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
Since your wall of text is purely illegible to my eyes, I'll respond to the title of the thread instead.

Success is something that is usually only definable by the owner of the channel. However, for the sake of realism and simplicity, true YouTube 'success' is when you are able to pay your bills with YouTube money. For simplicity (again), we will say this sits in a bracket that is an absolute minimum of ~$1500 per month.

$1500 means ~1.5Million views per month, assuming daily uploads across 30 days of a month, 50,000 views per day would be the minimum.
The minimum for this on each video is 200,000 subscribers given people aren't going to watch all your videos and the non-return rate is rising among many big channels.

200,000 subscribers is definitely an achievable goal if you play your cards right and play a good game.
Or, you could master the art of the viral and get 50,000 views per day regardless of subscriber counts.
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Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
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Why don't you use your video making skills to make money if that's what you need to do...
Check out this show... (sorry it's poor quality... youtube you know. ..)
I used to do this when I was younger and wasn't making enough from actual jobs. You look for things cheap or even free, clean em up, fix em up in your spare time, take pictures of it and sell it online...

Another thing I would do is call up people who are selling cars and have a crappy ad... and go take pictures and a video of they're car and fix they're advertising for them for a price.

I'm not sure if it would work for you where you live... it's just a suggestion...
I did this year's ago...