Gaming Is No Man's Sky worth buying

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Anthony Henao

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May 30, 2015
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I wanted to know if No Man's Sky is worth buying and for who is this game mostly made for I know it's an open world game and has tons of very good graphics but I've seen some reviews saying it's good and stuff but it doesn't seem like it's worth buying let me know what you think.

zeke morgan

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Dec 8, 2015
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Honestly if you were going to buy it I would wait until it drops in price. It is a massive open world game and does have some pretty wonderful graphics but the whole premise of the exploration can get a bit repetitive, rather quickly.

MSHAY Gaming

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Jul 1, 2016
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I wanted to know if No Man's Sky is worth buying and for who is this game mostly made for I know it's an open world game and has tons of very good graphics but I've seen some reviews saying it's good and stuff but it doesn't seem like it's worth buying let me know what you think.
I have been playing the game since the release, in alot of ways its very impressive like you mentioned with the visuals and impressive mass of areas to explore etc...however the game will in alot of ways get repetitive, at the moment you will basically be going from planet to planet in search of better loot, weaponary and spaceships. This will be accompanied with ALOT of resource gathering to be able to build better equipment etc. This will be the main basis of the game and depending on what type of planet you land on it may become quite boring as some planets are massive open spaces with not much to engage in. Having said that there are some more dangerous planets where weather and bots will be out to kill you! Which is quite fun (this will be in my live stream later today). There will also be battles in space when groups of raiders and pirates attack bigger ships and your asked to help, its still early days yet and im discovering more things to do each time i play. All in all im enjoying the game alot but it may not be for everyone. Hope this helps, if you have any doubts feel welcome to check my channel.

Anthony Henao

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May 30, 2015
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I have been playing the game since the release, in alot of ways its very impressive like you mentioned with the visuals and impressive mass of areas to explore etc...however the game will in alot of ways get repetitive, at the moment you will basically be going from planet to planet in search of better loot, weaponary and spaceships. This will be accompanied with ALOT of resource gathering to be able to build better equipment etc. This will be the main basis of the game and depending on what type of planet you land on it may become quite boring as some planets are massive open spaces with not much to engage in. Having said that there are some more dangerous planets where weather and bots will be out to kill you! Which is quite fun (this will be in my live stream later today). There will also be battles in space when groups of raiders and pirates attack bigger ships and your asked to help, its still early days yet and im discovering more things to do each time i play. All in all im enjoying the game alot but it may not be for everyone. Hope this helps, if you have any doubts feel welcome to check my channel.
Thanks MSHAY Gaming