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Rising User
Feb 28, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
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DecemberDragon Here! ^-^
I'm from U.S.A! Lol vague good let's keep it that way!
I'm old enough or as my great grand papi said from the year before dinosaurs.
I found freedom while making my own dank memes and someone pointed it out also a quick google search.
I'm here to support others and be really active because let's be honest i have nothing else to do. So feel free to message me.
My hobbies are your hobbies. e-e
Favorite food? Don't know food is delicious in their own little way. Don't wanna offend any other food so none.
I started youtube for fun. Most people say that and then put ads at like 4 subs but i don't even earn money man it's for fun! Good vibes!
Biggest dream? Well to be successful haha. Prove everyone wrong about not being able to become something and just well shoot for the stars and hope to make it.
A comedy channel!
I do music. Gaming. Skits. You name it i do it. Well not really unless you want to see it LOL
I upload daily or try to. Sometimes i get it just before 12:00 am so i guess that is still the day before xD
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