Jailbreaking an iPad3

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 13, 2016
England, United Kingdom
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Greetings everyone, I currently record my iPad via an airplay server but this really slows down my internet and makes playing multiplayer game impossible. So, I need to jailbreak my iPad. But, my particular model of iPad (see here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPad_(3rd_generation) ) is not eligible for Jailbreak and it's running iOS 9 which as far as I'm aware cannot be jail broken atm thanks to apple's coding. So I'd really appreciate it if you could give me some assistance and tell me how I might jailbreak my iPad fully for free..



Swapnil Bapat

Rising User
Jun 8, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
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Hi! So which version is your iPad running on exactly? At the moment, iOS 9.2 to 9.3.3 cannot be jailbroken but iOS 9.0 to 9.1 can. P.S. Do give my YouTube channel a glimpse and subscribe as I will be posting jailbreak tutorials once the latest jailbreak is out. Cheers! :)
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