Gaming JPGames ~ Awesome 1080p Entertaining FIFA 16 Content

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JP Whittle

New User
Jul 22, 2015
Hello everyone viewing this my name is JP and I am a FIFA Youtuber and what I love to do is Entertain people and playing FIFA lets me be me it feels like a home and although im not big on Youtube it is my life. I don't watch TV I am always on Youtube.

Weather it is uploading content, watching videos, commenting on other peoples videos, and subscribing to awesome people.

So if you enjoy my videos it would be amazing if you could drop a sub and also leave me your channel links because I am looking for some awesome fresh channels to subscribe to :)

Channel link:


New User
Jan 28, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Welcome, saw your channel, it was really good! :)
Maybe you'd be interested in collaborating sometime? If so, just hit me up!


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jan 8, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello, friend.
Welcome to the Freedom! forums.
If there is anything I can help you with, please ask!
Me and Prology are very active on the forums, so ask anyone of us if you need anything : 3
I'm also good with thumbnails, and I know a thing or two about growing an audience.

All the best. : 3