Opinion Knowing When To End a Relationship

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Nov 3, 2014
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I've only been in two relationships myself, the one lasted a few months and the one I'm in now has lasted three years. My first relationship just kinda fizzled out. I would think that you would end a relationship if you aren't happy anymore, but should never throw a good one away over something trivial.


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Jan 4, 2014
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I wanna see everyone's opinion on when you know you need to end a relationship! It's kinda curious for someone like I, who doesn't get many relationships.

For me there have been a few tell signs. If you can't trust that person anymore, you can't be in a relationship. A relationship is 100% trust and when that is broken enough times or even with one big move I.E. "Cheating" it's truly hard to be in a relationship, and in my opinion should either end it or take a break.

Another sign is abuse. NEVER, EVER Allow anyone to harm you. This is an IMMEDIATE RED FLAG. This goes for mental and emotional abuse.

Another sign is if you feel trapped. Now let me explain if they don't allow you to do anything I mean hang out with friends, go to the movies, you can only see them 24/7 leave.

These are my general advice, and I know a lot of people can give advice here.


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I have been in MANY relationships, as I have left when I was emotionally tapped out and done with the crap. There have been two healthy, long term relationships though, which one is the one I have with @Kan :)
I agree with his points. However, I do have some expansions and additions to his points.

First off, it is definitely time to either have a big talk or end it all together if someone breaks your trust by cheating or something just as bad. I don't personally believe that there is a point in breaks, but I guess they can work for some people.
Second, any kind of abuse is a sign to leave. However, some people don't see certain things as abuse, even though they are. For example, one person may be controlling the other's life, like restricting who they can and cannot see, reading their private messages without permission, telling them what they can and cannot wear, etc., which is definitely abuse. I have always left people who tried to control what I wear or do with my body.
Third, feeling trapped is a red flag and almost always is from abuse like I mentioned before. But sometimes people just grow apart from their significant other, and it's ok to leave on good terms.
Fourth, a person should also probably leave if their pets don't like their significant other. Animals can sense things far better than we can and we should listen. For example, my cat and my mom's dog started being more stand-offish to my ex as he got more mentally abusive in the relationship. He was nice and normal around them usually, but they could still sense that he was being mean to me.
Fifth, a person should never stay with somone who isn't supportive. I cannot stress this enough. The person you are with should care about your health and interests, and should support you. For example, many of my exes did not support the idea of me being in roller derby, and I ended up leaving them because they kept being unsupportive of many of my interests, as well caring about my health. It is very exhausting and stressful to be with someone like that.
These are just some of the things I have learned and none of this is verified science of course, but I just hope this helps anyone who needs this advice. As you can tell, I am pretty passionate about this subject lol.


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Jan 4, 2014
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I have been in MANY relationships, as I have left when I was emotionally tapped out and done with the crap. There have been two healthy, long term relationships though, which one is the one I have with @Kan :)
I agree with his points. However, I do have some expansions and additions to his points.

First off, it is definitely time to either have a big talk or end it all together if someone breaks your trust by cheating or something just as bad. I don't personally believe that there is a point in breaks, but I guess they can work for some people.
Second, any kind of abuse is a sign to leave. However, some people don't see certain things as abuse, even though they are. For example, one person may be controlling the other's life, like restricting who they can and cannot see, reading their private messages without permission, telling them what they can and cannot wear, etc., which is definitely abuse. I have always left people who tried to control what I wear or do with my body.
Third, feeling trapped is a red flag and almost always is from abuse like I mentioned before. But sometimes people just grow apart from their significant other, and it's ok to leave on good terms.
Fourth, a person should also probably leave if their pets don't like their significant other. Animals can sense things far better than we can and we should listen. For example, my cat and my mom's dog started being more stand-offish to my ex as he got more mentally abusive in the relationship. He was nice and normal around them usually, but they could still sense that he was being mean to me.
Fifth, a person should never stay with somone who isn't supportive. I cannot stress this enough. The person you are with should care about your health and interests, and should support you. For example, many of my exes did not support the idea of me being in roller derby, and I ended up leaving them because they kept being unsupportive of many of my interests, as well caring about my health. It is very exhausting and stressful to be with someone like that.
These are just some of the things I have learned and none of this is verified science of course, but I just hope this helps anyone who needs this advice. As you can tell, I am pretty passionate about this subject lol.

Good points I just didn't want to write a word wall! :)
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Jun 1, 2014
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When they no longer go out of their way to do things for you...

I have been in MANY relationships, as I have left when I was emotionally tapped out and done with the crap. There have been two healthy, long term relationships though, which one is the one I have with @Kan :)
I agree with his points. However, I do have some expansions and additions to his points.

First off, it is definitely time to either have a big talk or end it all together if someone breaks your trust by cheating or something just as bad. I don't personally believe that there is a point in breaks, but I guess they can work for some people.
Second, any kind of abuse is a sign to leave. However, some people don't see certain things as abuse, even though they are. For example, one person may be controlling the other's life, like restricting who they can and cannot see, reading their private messages without permission, telling them what they can and cannot wear, etc., which is definitely abuse. I have always left people who tried to control what I wear or do with my body.
Third, feeling trapped is a red flag and almost always is from abuse like I mentioned before. But sometimes people just grow apart from their significant other, and it's ok to leave on good terms.
Fourth, a person should also probably leave if their pets don't like their significant other. Animals can sense things far better than we can and we should listen. For example, my cat and my mom's dog started being more stand-offish to my ex as he got more mentally abusive in the relationship. He was nice and normal around them usually, but they could still sense that he was being mean to me.
Fifth, a person should never stay with somone who isn't supportive. I cannot stress this enough. The person you are with should care about your health and interests, and should support you. For example, many of my exes did not support the idea of me being in roller derby, and I ended up leaving them because they kept being unsupportive of many of my interests, as well caring about my health. It is very exhausting and stressful to be with someone like that.
These are just some of the things I have learned and none of this is verified science of course, but I just hope this helps anyone who needs this advice. As you can tell, I am pretty passionate about this subject lol.

@Kan I think you better start feeding all her pets lots of treats :D