Official Known Issues & Frequently Asked Questions! (Read before posting)

  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!
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Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator
Retired Administrator
Jun 1, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Here are the questions that are frequently asked, please have a read through this before posting a new topic as it may have already been answered.

Be sure to also read our FAQs and the Support Portal for additional help.

On the forums

  • I've applied for a partner badge but haven't received it yet.
    We have a thread explaining this here.
  • I haven't received my invitation yet
    It can take some time for the invitation to arrive, each channel is manually reviewed before the invite is sent. If it has not arrived after 3 working days please contact support so they can resend it to you. Do remember to give your dashboard ID (found on the front page of your dashboard, somewhere under your name).
  • How do I rejoin Freedom if I was previously a partner?
    To rejoin the network you have to contact support and request for a new invite.
  • No response from the support team
    The support team receive a lot of tickets and it may take some time depending on which department it was sent to. Sending multiple responses will place your ticket at the back of the queue so only do this if you really have to. If you still don't receive a response after 1 week without updating the ticket then you can message myself or one of the Moderators (make sure you include your ticket ID).
On the dashboard
  • Analytics are not updating
    The dashboard is currently having issues pulling information from YouTube, and only updates the information once a month. The developers are currently working on a new dashboard that should be coming soon. As long as it states on that you are part of Freedom, then you don't have to worry about anything as we are already tracking your data.
  • Channels on Pending or not showing up as Linked
    The situation for this is more or less the same as the broken analytics. We have all the information about your channels, it's just that the dashboard isn't showing it correctly and/or is having trouble updating as quickly as it should be. The developers are also aware of this and are working on it.
  • Freedom! Music downloads leading to blank pages
    In most cases when this happens, the download link is a direct link from Soundcloud and unfortunately, Soundcloud limits the number of downloads per song, unless the uploader pays a certain fee. This results in the blank pages. The developers will be working on a validation system that will check these for us and hopefully remove these links off the dashboard sometime in the future. For now, please find some alternative songs with valid links.
If you do have a question that isn't answered above then please post it to the forums and the community/forum team will help you out as best as possible! :)
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