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New User
Jun 3, 2014
Hi my name is Levi, I am 17 years old and this is my YouTube story. I have been watching big YouTubers, such as KSI, Ali-A and Syndicate for many years and I have always wanted to give YouTube a go but at the time i was only like 12 years old and I always thought to myself that no one is going to listen and watch a 12 year old play games, so I never gave it a try. When I turned 16 i then began to make videos once a week and my channel slowly started growing, as I was getting into YouTube more and more, I then switched my channel to a FIFA based and changed my name to LJFIFA and I started to upload more frequently and people started to like my videos more. From all this I have got to 787 subscribers and have met YouTubers that I never thought I have and now I just want to carry on my journey on YouTube and make the best FIFA videos I can.

Main Channel:
Second Channel: