PC Collaboration Looking 4 People to collaborate with!

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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Feb 23, 2015
Somewhere on Planet Earth
YouTube Channel ID
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Hello there! :)

I've been inactive for nine months now, due to my military service. However I'm back and want to "re-boot" my channel. I'm looking for two or three people who will have time to record a lot! I've got time all day as of December 14th! I plan to record at least one time a week, so it would be nice if you'd have enough time because I want to make this a long term partnership, not just a one vid collab. You can look at other collabs that I made with @LustraGaming for example.

I would like to record GTA V as well as Shellshock Live videos in the first place. However if you shouldn't have those I have a lot (and I mean a lot, 190+) of other alternatives.

So if you are mature, so you should be okay with swearing, easy-going and live somewhere that you can work with a person from Switzerland, you're all set! Hit me up and we'll see where it goes. ;)