Community Looking For A Channel Like Mine To Collaborate With !!!

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Rising User
Mar 30, 2016
United Kingdom
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey Freedom Family my name is HARIBO and today I am looking for someone to collaborate with. Right okay so if you have a tutorial or commentary channel then please let me know because I would love to collab with you. I have over 1000 subscribers and I am sure you would gain something from being on my channel.

Please reply to this post if you would like to collab.



Rising User
Mar 30, 2016
United Kingdom
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
I do gaming? xD thats sorta in the same area, I really dont like doing commentaries on my channel any more but i have before lol id still be interested to work with you, even though my channel is tiny compared to yours xD
I would love to work with you dude you should add me on skype !!!! My name on skype is Harry Blakeley and I have the same profile picture as I do on this !!!