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TGS - TheGamingSection

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 28, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey my name is TheGamingSection or TGS for short and today i want to share my video with you freedom family and also im looking to check out your channel see your videos and possibly subscribe and also if you like or comment on my video ill be sure to do the same on your video sub to me and ill sub back if you want just leave your channel and ill check it out here is the video i want you guys to review:
Enjoy! :D

BluEdge Chekpoint

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Sep 6, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
I would like a review. And I just reviewed your video. I will say a few things. The cod video is to long. It seems like a streamed walk-through. If your aiming to just show your skillz try have some cuts in your video. Show the juicy stuff. The video should be at least 5-10 minutes long. If your trying to make it entertaining and funny you got to either commentate or do more detailed editing. Such as more text on screen and possibly png and jpeg images or more random noises lol. You will get the hang of it. Thus I will sub to ya. But through my personal channel where I don't make videos on anymore. But please check us out and tell us what ya think.