PC Collaboration Looking to record!

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The AtomicBear

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Feb 6, 2016
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Hi There people of the freedom community i am really bored, out of ideas, and stuck so i was wondering if anyone would like to record something or just hang out.
I would like it if you had a decent mic and were over 13 if not fine but if you would like to collab and talk about some stuff just reply to this post


New User
Feb 13, 2016
Yeah, I am looking for a recording buddy that fits the same description. I would love to collaborate with you some time; or just have a general chat and hang out. Just letting you know, I play PC games, such as: Serious Sam, Skyrim, CS:GO, Killing Floor, Ect. If you want to hear more or speak to me, then add this contact on Skype:


New User
Feb 13, 2016
Cool :). I've been looking For a buddy from the start to collab with just so I can have a general laugh. I am a Playthrough-ist so I play through games from beginning to end and would love to series with someone. E.g. Terraria Survival Or Dying Light Story Etc..


New User
Feb 13, 2016
Well if your interested to hang out and talk about possibly recording together, I am always down to talk to others. I love joking around and making others laugh. I reply asap all the time so :)

Add: Figinator3000 on Skype for more :p