Gaming Lore series

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Gods of Odds

I'm going to be starting a lore series on my channel but some point, it probably won't be to soon but I will definitely do it as I have to figure things out and that's why I want to ask all of you for some help.

I was wondering what would a good thing to play as a video while I speak and tell everyone the lore because obviously I don't want just a black screen or just a video of me I would rather have a video of some kind. Also if you do have an idea for what to play then could you tell me how I would make it if it is something hard to do.

I wanted to know how I would make animations of things for example say I was doing elder scrolls lore (which I probably won't be as it is done already) and I was explaining one of the gods say talos and I wanted to maybe show him in a certain battle that he fought or something.