Gaming Minecraft 1.9 survival YouTube Server Looking for a few fellow YouTubers

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 23, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello Fellow freedom partners! So here's the summary some friends and i are starting a 1.9 survival server to record on it for YouTube. We have different groups we've broken up into and there's a Quest Master who gives out Quests to keep our content entertaining.

My Channel: CapemanGaming
My friend's Channel: WillGaa

Soooo are there any fellow Minecraft YouTubers who would be interested in joining us?
We wont accept just anyone to join us though. Were considering your content and how well we think we could get along with you. We aren't making decisions based off of how many subs you have so don't worry.

To apply
requirement: A YouTube Channel and Skype
Please leave a link to your channel and i'll get back to you as soon as i can.
Feel free to ask any questions that you may have.