PC Collaboration minecraft PC 1.9 Survival SMP whitelisted server!

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New User
Freedom! Member
Apr 19, 2015
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Hi there i recently did my first season 1 MC 1.9 server letsplay and now i want to start season 2.

Just like the last season there are some rules and you do not have to be a youtuber to play on there.
The base rules
{1.No stealing from people}
{2.No raiding people}
{3.No spamming chat}
{4.Must have some sort of way to talk to other people for exmple skype/teamspeak ect}
{5.Must be 14 or older.}
{6.Must Speak good enlgish}

The server is just for fun there are some cool plugins in there to make it a bit less boring but not that game changing.
The is a backup running 24/7 and there are lots of grief prevention plugins in to give you that little bit more peace at mind.
The server is ran in euro and that is the time zone most people will be playing on and you will have a bigger chance of getting accepted if you live in euro or your time zone is close.

Anyone found out to be cheating will be banned instanley you will be able to make a apeal on skype.
Youtubers/streamers Will have a higher chance of getting accepted.

{Just so you know}
The server has limmited slots.
The server is on minecraft 1.9 running spigot.
The owner of the server is mattyyoutuber.
The server i am sure will be full of banta :D.
Thats the base of what you need to know.

{How to join}
The best way to get noticed is to MSG mattyyoutuber on skype
You can also post in the comments I check them daily.
You can also MSG me on twitter my name is mattyyoutuber
You can also leave a comment on one of my youtuber video's

If you would like to apply to be on the server then please coppy and past this into the skype MSG that you send mattyyoutuber.

How to apply for the server:
Where did you find the server:
What is your age:
what is your name:
what would you like to be called if acccepted:
Where do you live:
How long have you been playing minecraft for:
What do you think is the best thing in minecraft
What are you applying for: youtuber/staff/player=
The server has limmited slots so why should you be acccepted:
What is your minecraft name:
Are you a youtuber: if yes then please fill out the rest below:
Your youtube channel link:
Your twtiiter if you have one:
Your twitch if you have one:
Do not fill out unless you are a youtuber:your email: