Gaming MMInc - Let's Plays & Tutorials

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New User
Feb 6, 2016
United Kingdom
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey everyone!

I have been a member of the Freedom! family for a few months now and I figured that it was finally time for me to introduce myself on the forums. I'm 15 years old and am from the UK.

I make mainly Minecraft Let's Plays and plugin tutorials along with my "Spotlight" series in which I check out other games which are often sponsored reviews from the Freedom! dashboard.

I am currently looking for some people to collaborate with in a Minecraft SMP which will include other players and some Freedom! family members. Message me if you're interested!

If you have time, check out some of my videos, I hope you like them. (Apologies for the low quality of Episode 0 of To The Nether).

Have a good one!


Showcase One

Beta Testers
Wiki Contributor
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
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Hi Welcome to freedom.
This community has heaps of talented creatives and Im sure you will find people with the same likes.
Fill out your profile by clicking on your username in the menu and clicking personal/contact details.
Be sure to follow the rules, if you don't you could get banned! >
If you have questions check here before asking on support >
For Extended support you can choose one of the options on this website >
If your a Freedom Network partner Get your purple badge here:

I hope you enjoy your stay here. If you have any questions or just want to chat feel free to leave a message on my profile or start a conversation and I will reply ASAP. If you see me around be sure to say hi.
Keep up the good work, stay positive, keep motivated and most importantly never give up. :)