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Opinions on Mirror's Edge

  • Good

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Bad

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  • Undecided

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  • Not bothered

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Kingdom Ginger

Full Member
May 25, 2016
United Kingdom
YouTube Channel ID
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So I've been playing Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, and I must admit, I'm absolutely loving it! I've been streaming gameplay, doing the story missions and side mission, just generally having fun, freerunning in the city of glass. But today was special, I started streaming and I had the usual 2-3 people watching with about 1-2 posts in chat... Before I knew it, I had 19 people watching and nearly 200 posts in chat, for me it was unreal! No haters, just love and appreciation with some really sweet things said! It felt great, my energy in the stream picked up greatly (you can really tell) and overall, it was simply an awesome experience! It may only be 19 people watching, and nearly 200 posts in chat, but for me, it's a massive improvement and I absolutely loved it! :D