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Rising User
Feb 3, 2016
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Hello everyone, my name is Caleb. I am a 17 year boy that does the hobbies of graphic design, football (american), music, and gaming. I am here because I was welcomed into the arms of freedom. So in that case I thought I decide to tell anyone who would like to hear my story can read. I will warn you this may make you sad or it may help you read at your own cost.

So it as a young boy I grew up into a normal household father works, 3 brothers, 1 sister. I was raised on an island and as a result of this I didn't have many friends. The only ones that I had to play with was my brother's or sister, this gave us a natural bond and yes we had our ups and downs but we all loved each other. So through my younger years life wasnt hard, had a family that supported me. Until one year a huge hurricane hit, our house and all of our possessions were gone. We live in hotels for months we had nothing but the clothes on our backs until my dad could make enough money to buy a new house. So by this point in my like im around a 7 years old, I grew up not knowing any of my grandfathers I only knew 2 of my grandmothers. When I turned 8 my brothers got me into gaming on the computer I played Runescape, Habbo, and Club Penguin. This is where I started my gaming "addiction." As I got older I saw the world as what it was for life got harder, more stress, and life fell apart for me when I was 9. At the age of 9 one of my grandmothers passed from cancer. I was very close with my grandmother, she would always bake me cookies, and treated me very well. When I was younger I didnt know how to control these emotions and I felt what depression was. As you know life goes on I kept growing up in a small school, small island and everything seemed to get better as life went on and it did for the most part. I had my first girlfriend in 6th grade, I had a couple of friends, good grades life couldnt get worse. Well it did. When I was in 8th grade my last grandmother who I was also really close with had to go into surgery. She soon came out of surgery fine a couple of days later she had a stroke and died. I was devastated I soon realized I was becoming depressed I soon started locking myself in my room and then stopped going to school for days on end. Life only seemed to get harder and harder, after all that time I found what youtube was. I watched video and videos on games comedy everything it was my salvation something i can do to be away. But I was young and I pushed on eventually graduating from middle school. So when i hit high school life flipped in 180. I was use to a small school in the middle of no where to were im stuck with over a 1000s of kids. I didnt know anyone I was this scared little kid who didnt know what to do i was frightened scared and out of place. I had no one to talk to I had no one to hang out with I was alone in this world. The only thing I had was youtube something I could watch something I could take my mind off everything. Then it just seemed to get worse so the "girlfriend" I had back since middle school dumps me, my first crush. I soon to start to cut myself it made it feel like the pain was to go away. But wait my life gets worse my parents soon find out about the cutting send me to a therapist who thinks im crazy. At this point in my life I have no one to talk to no one but youtube to take my mind off everything. My life feels like a complete waste. I eventually graduate 9th grade and 10th grade just gets worse. My mother is diagnosed with lung and breast cancer. I mean I didn't know what to do my life fell down my heart sank. Life just kept taking a big sh*t on me... My only 2 grandparents die, I have no friends, I get switched schools, my girlfriend dumps me, im a shut in, the only thing i have is youtube. So what do I decide to do on my free time. I made a youtube channel under the name of "MinecraftManicss" I enjoyed it I loved doing youtube as a hobby. I did youtube for about 5 months gained 369 subscribers. Then life seems to be a little lifting until one day someone at my school finds my channel. I am teased picked on and made fun of for doing something I loved. I soon shut down my channel and took the videos down hoping the teasing would stop and it didnt. I was bullied my 10th grade of highschool. I soon go to 11th grade. The worse year of my life (2015). So after all the sh*t i went through in my life it gets worse. On May 25th 2015 my brother commits suicide. My life is at a all time low I was super close with my brother. Not as a serious talking bond but as a friend bond. This sets my state of mind everywhere my grades start failing my family is distressed Im a past the point of depressed and my life just felt like it couldnt get any worse. So I decided i was going to commit suicide, I attempted to hang myself but i was rescued thankfully in time. I was taken to the hospital. So after im released what do I do. I go to my only source of not having to think about everything in my life. Soon after im a shut in for 6 months in my life I came to find someone online. A friend someone i could talk to about everything, i soon began liking myself, liking who i become, I started playing football (Starting varsity offensive lineman), I soon my current girlfriend, I have loads of friends at school now. All because of youtube and this one friend of mine. So now after all this stuff in my life I coming back to one of my hobbies youtube. And I want to start a new chapter.

I thank everyone that has read my story life summed up. If anyone needs help through anything there is always someone. I just made this to hopefully help someone, If anyone needs help you can contact me on my youtube channel or on here!

See I dont want to make this huge dramatic essay about my life and say can you please sub. But I do need help with my channel once again. If anyone can provide feedback on how to help my channel it would be greatly appreciated if you feel the need to subscribe do as you please. Thank you once again. And thank you to the freedom community for accepting me :)!

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