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Athrey K

New User
Freedom! Member
Dec 27, 2016
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Hello Freedom! family,

I am Athrey k. i stay in india. I am a vlogger. stop by my channel for some interesting stuff!!.

now,my youtube story-

one fine day , I went to my cousin brother's house. we were chilling out in the balcony watching some videos on youtube. this guy called MO who's channel's name is Mo Vlogs got me attracted!. I was damn excited to start a youtube channel. but, i didn't get much support from my family, my school friends. i had to motivate myself at each step. getting up everyday thinking that THIS day will be my best day ever. i was afraid as i never got support. I was alone on this journey. one fine day after a bucket full of hard work i reached 50 subscribers. I was overwhelmed by this. I still could not believe that I achieved it without anyone's support. then , slowly I started gaining support from my family and my friends. I really felt helpless and motivated myself at the same time on this journey. now i am , standing with a hope that i WILL become a great youtuber !. I CAN , I WILL !. I THINK THIS HAS BECOME MORE EASY FOR ME AS I HAVE FOUND FREEDOM! . THE BEST NETWORK EVER TO SUPPORT ME !. GOOD THINGS COME WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY , THEY SAID. I CONSIDER FREEDOM AS THE GOOD THING WHICH HAS COME ON MY RUNWAY TAKE OFF WITH ME ON THIS BEAUTIFUL YOUTUBE JOURNEY. THANK YOU FREEDOM! AND GEORGE SIR ! . ITS A REAL GOOD INITIATIVE TAKEN BY YOU . :) . I HAVE JUST STARTED THE PARTNERSHIP WITH FREEDOM AND I HOPE I WILL SET NEW LIMITS ABOVE TE SKY ! . THANK YOU FREEDOM ! PEACE !


Rising User
Dec 28, 2016
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Welcome to the Freedom Community.. I also got inspired from Mo's Vlogs, especially his luxury cars >.<.. Although, I don't vlog at the moment, but I might give it a try some day.
Welcome again, hope you'll enjoy your time in this community.

and a Happy New Year.

Athrey K

New User
Freedom! Member
Dec 27, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey mate. I am also a vlogger myself. Just joined the freedom family recently myself. What is your channel? I will check it out
my channel's name is "athrey k"[DOUBLEPOST=1482995784][/DOUBLEPOST]

Welcome to the Freedom Community.. I also got inspired from Mo's Vlogs, especially his luxury cars >.<.. Although, I don't vlog at the moment, but I might give it a try some day.
Welcome again, hope you'll enjoy your time in this community.

and a Happy New Year.
thank you !!! :)

Pa Vue

New User
Jan 9, 2017
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Hi Athrey, awesome and truly inspiring youtube story you have! I enjoyed your intro video and I'm a new sub to your channel, yay!