Opinion Need laptop for video editing? Is HP good?

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Jan 31, 2015
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Okay, since I've finally figured out how to transfer my vids to my desktop, I remembered someone suggested I just use windows movie maker and I'd be surprised with what I could do. I had to download a video converter because there's some types of files it won't accept. And I tried using it, but since the speakers below the computer don't work it's sort of hard to hear what I'm doing. Soooo I was trying to save money by just using that since I already blew like $300 to $400 on my camera. And I got some software called Movie Edit Pro 2016 but it said I need 64 bits so it wouldn't download. Note this computer is an E Machine and is art of old like...2007..'08? Maybe 2009. I don't know. BUT I NEED A LAPTOP.I THOUGHT THAT SINCE TODAY IS MEMORIAL DAY I WOULDN'T HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL BLACK FRIDAY. THEN MAYBE I COULD BE LUCKY. But $300 is my limit. It's sort of pushing it...Any takers?


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Freedom! Member
Apr 17, 2016
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HP is a decent brand. If you are so limited in budget, I would just go to like Best Buy or something and look at the computers they have and find the ones for under $300. They have quite a few budget laptops, you may even check out some of their open box discounted stuff.


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Jun 1, 2014
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You might be struggling for something that is ok for $300, you may be better to spend an extra $100 or more if possible otherwise it could be obsolete within a year. I just recently bought a laptop and I'm so glad I went for something a little more expense than I was planning.