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Hammad Ali

Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 28, 2016
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hi guys, i start be active on this channel and i joint this community to grow with you guys like a family.
i hope you enjoy my videos and you will learn something from it.
you can see already the most video searched by people before summer.. how to make a 6 pack then i made a video of the BEST exercises that can build your abs in less time as possible.
it's work!! i built my six pack within 1 month with the exercises that u can see on my video.
i will also make and upload some video about the other part of the body, parkour..and of couse flipping such as: back flip, front flip etc. i'm very happy mading this channel
subscribe if you like it and i will subriscribe on your channel too


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
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hey Pal , Welcome to Freedom !

I saw some fo your videos before and have started to use some of your push up techniques !