Gaming New Dawn TheWickedOnes

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 28, 2015
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The Division Open Beta is finally here, and of course we had to check it out! We explore an city at his last legs, the question here is: Is everything lost or is there still hope to redeem paradise? Follow us on an journey through New York in a mission to save it!

PS: Please pretend the controller never died (facepalm)

Krimson Cobra

Rising User
Sep 9, 2014
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Cool vid man, just need a little more energy. It will really set you apart from everyone else who has a boring intro where they just talk in a single monotone voice the entire time. I know some people like it, but its a bit more easy to catch peoples attention with a hyped intro then you can calm down later in the video! Still good work, maybe edit out where your controller dies? lol
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 28, 2015
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I feel you, I will try to give it that little extra in the next part! as for the controller part, it was in the middle of a cutscene and the dialogue was still coming. Will keep your feedback in mind :)