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The Rich Binman

New User
Sep 6, 2016
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Hey guys my name is Francis Venzon, I am a football fanatic and my favourite team is Arsenal although I live near Swansea, my favourite colour is purple and my hobbies are football, gaming, singing and playing guitar, I am currently 16 years old and I had originally started youtube late last year, I started with a channel dedicated to acoustic covers as I love playing guitar, however I felt as if I was not ready although I managed to create a fair amount of videos. Through watching my favourite youtubers such as the sidemen and nick28t I felt the urge to create content in a similar way adding my own twist so if there is anyone that is interested in checking my channel out it would be greatly appreciated as I am willing to dedicate my life to doing youtube and producing top quality content, also if there is anyone willing to give some advice and feedback on my videos as well as liking if you enjoyed that would make my day!

Thank you for taking the time to read this you're an amazing person!
-The Rich Binman


Forum Administrator // YouTuber... -ish
Retired Administrator
Feb 21, 2014
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Hi there!

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Good luck with your channel and happy foruming! :D