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Rising User
Jan 16, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey everyone my name is Brian and I recently joined this network.
My channel is all about my adventures travelling to new places and seeing new things. I am a Canadian who is currently living in the UK and from there I try to travel to new places when I am able to.
I started my channel to show what it is like from my perspective to see places that you may have or have not been to and to share my experience as I have them.
So don't hesitate to take a look at my channel and I hope to see you join in on my travel's around the world!

you can also find me on these other social media platforms
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Brianstraveltale
Instagram - http://instagram.com/brianstale
Twitter - twitter.com/briantraveltale
Snapchat - briantraveltale
Storie App - briantraveltale
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Rising User
Jan 16, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel