Gaming New to Freedom, looking to see who's out there

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Full Member
May 13, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
How's it going, Everyone good?

I managed to find this site on my wonderful adventures around the interweb looking for places to get my Youtube channel out there to the world.
I currently upload gaming videos to my channel, mainly recorded on my ps4 as this laptop that I'm currently typing all these wonderful words on is "nicely put" slightly old and wouldn't run any new games unless they looked like titles from the commodore 64 era, even though some of those games where absolute classics I don't think anyone on this pretty green and blue earth would want to watch new games like that.
Hopefully in due course i can get a dedicated PC to record on, I've always wanted to do horror games mainly because the lamest of scares will make me jump and think it would make good footage but until then it will be done on my ps4.

I look forward to being part of your community and seeing what the future holds, much love!


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2016
Ashland, PA
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
How's it going, Everyone good?

I managed to find this site on my wonderful adventures around the interweb looking for places to get my Youtube channel out there to the world.
I currently upload gaming videos to my channel, mainly recorded on my ps4 as this laptop that I'm currently typing all these wonderful words on is "nicely put" slightly old and wouldn't run any new games unless they looked like titles from the commodore 64 era, even though some of those games where absolute classics I don't think anyone on this pretty green and blue earth would want to watch new games like that.
Hopefully in due course i can get a dedicated PC to record on, I've always wanted to do horror games mainly because the lamest of scares will make me jump and think it would make good footage but until then it will be done on my ps4.

I look forward to being part of your community and seeing what the future holds, much love!

Welcome to the Family Smithy5000, What games do you play?


Full Member
May 13, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Those are good games, Do you have the new Final fantasy?

They are good games, some of the best. FF7 and MGS 1/3 will always be my favourite. I love the story of both but it's the music that draws me in! FFXV? Not out yet but it will be added to my collection, I have played the platinum demo and uploaded it to YouTube though. If you meant FFXIV, I had the free months trial but couldn't justify paying around £120 a year to play it when that money could be spent on buying other games.