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Mar 15, 2016
Hey Guys. Feeling nice to be got partnered with freedom. I am thinking it will help me a lot to grow faster on YouTube. Ohhh I forgot to tell you about my YouTube page. I have recently made my YouTube mobile gaming channel so plzzz do support me and subscribe to my channel. Well I have only one gaming video on my channel yet but will be uploading more soon. So guys do subscribe and plzzz share the video. Link is:-

Thanks Guys. You All Are Awesome!


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey Guys. Feeling nice to be got partnered with freedom. I am thinking it will help me a lot to grow faster on YouTube. Ohhh I forgot to tell you about my YouTube page. I have recently made my YouTube mobile gaming channel so plzzz do support me and subscribe to my channel. Well I have only one gaming video on my channel yet but will be uploading more soon. So guys do subscribe and plzzz share the video. Link is:-

Thanks Guys. You All Are Awesome!
Growing on freedom comes easier than most. People here offer tips/strategies, and warnings ahead of time! Asking for subscribers isn't typically looked forward to. I understand that you're really happy to spread your videos, but let us come to you ^^


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Dec 13, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello, Welcome to the forums (y) (Y).

Be sure to make the most of the tools freedom has to offer, they don't help you as such to grow, merely supply you the tools for you to take advantage of :).