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New User
Mar 3, 2017
Hey, my name is Centric or ItsCentric on youtube, i want to connect with more people and have fun! if you make the same types of videos as me and your around 100 subscribers we should collab! ive been trying to grow but i just feel stuck at times. I just wanted to say hi and gain some possible friends and subscribers :) have a nice day.

zeke morgan

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
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Welcome to the community @ItsCentric , wanting to connect with more people and have fun is always the best reason for joining Youtube, in my opinion :). Feeling stuck at times is annoying but everyone has been there with YouTube, its just a giant test of dedication, hard work and perseverance. As you are new could I ask that you take a minute to read the general forum rules at the top of the page so you know what is and is not acceptable on the forum, and of course if you have any questions or queries then please don't hesitate to get in touch