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Mar 22, 2016
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Hey everyone my name is Paranoia Origins, i started my YouTube channel here "The House of Wolves Gaming" 2 months ago and trying to get my name out there and my channel noticed more. I'm doing this cause i really love making awesome gaming content for everyone to enjoy and even make their lives just a little bit happier.

My goals for this channel is to not only create a gaming community but to also grow a successful career and family out of it.

So i mixed my love of wolves and gaming together and then my channel was born into what it is now. So my videos mite not be MLG just yet cause all i have to use is my ps4 to upload my videos. And i'm looking for a editor to work with me on my videos and try to improve them if possible.

Once my channel grows to a big amount i can buy better equipment and even better quality videos for my subscribers. Cause i say that, because all my subs are basically part of the wolf pack and we take care of our own. If you mess with one of us your basically messing with all of us. >:3

Coxy Gaming

Rising User
Mar 15, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey man, welcome to Freedom! I wouldn't say you need the best equipment to make good videos. So long as you know how your equipment works and you're doing the best you can, the quality will come, what goes into the video is probably plays a bigger part than the quality, within reason that is.


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey everyone my name is Paranoia Origins, i started my YouTube channel here "The House of Wolves Gaming" 2 months ago and trying to get my name out there and my channel noticed more. I'm doing this cause i really love making awesome gaming content for everyone to enjoy and even make their lives just a little bit happier.

My goals for this channel is to not only create a gaming community but to also grow a successful career and family out of it.

So i mixed my love of wolves and gaming together and then my channel was born into what it is now. So my videos mite not be MLG just yet cause all i have to use is my ps4 to upload my videos. And i'm looking for a editor to work with me on my videos and try to improve them if possible.

Once my channel grows to a big amount i can buy better equipment and even better quality videos for my subscribers. Cause i say that, because all my subs are basically part of the wolf pack and we take care of our own. If you mess with one of us your basically messing with all of us. >:3
Making people happier is a nice goal to have. What made so you intent on making others feel better? Growing a career can take a lot of time and effort, what do you foresee in the next couple of months? How will you attract your community? Grabbing an editor can take some effort, especially if they're only going to work for free. If you manage to find a job in the future, definitely dedicate a lot of money towards youtube ^^


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey to freedom :)

That is one fo the best goals you can have is to make people happier ! I hope everything goes well :)

your sub button shows an error , make sure to put the last part of youtube link only