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Abbey Jessop

New User
Apr 30, 2016
Wassup Freedom Family!

I'm Abbey Jessop from New Zealand and I'm brand new to Freedom and Youtube!
( I really hope i'm introducing myself in the right place here)

Any way! A little bit of info about me!

I'm a bikini athlete and online trainer!
My channel is basically about motivating, inspiring and educating everyone with all of my knowledge of health and fitness! I also vlog what i get up to daily and what it's like living in New Zealand!

I would love to know any tips on how to grow my channel and I would love to do shoutouts with other fitness and health channels etc!

Can't wait to interact with you all :) ABS transparent.png


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey , Welcome to freedom ! I hope to live In New Zealand when I am older :)

How did you Find freedom ?

Best of luck and have a great day !