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Do you think the new operators look too overpowered?

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  • Hard to tell

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 3, 2016
United Kingdom
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Operation Dust Line - Rainbow Six Siege
If any of you out there play Rainbow Six Siege, I'm sure you'll of seen the teaser trailer for the new "Operation Dust Line" DLC. If you haven't, you can see it here. So, we know we're getting two new operators, one new map, and possibly some (much needed) new game modes. Here's the thing, Valkyrie, and Blackbeard. I can see way too many cons than pros.

First, Valkyrie. From what we saw on the teaser trailer, her cameras will be emitting some sort of blue light. This is going to, in my opinion, render them almost useless, as players will easily be able to see them. Yes, you can throw them into a room to get a quick glimpse at what's in there, stick them to shields etc. But, it just feels like they're going to be too easy to see and then destroy.

Now, Blackbeard. His shield could potentially be game ruining if he can still aim down his sights with it stuck onto his weapon. Just imagine for a second a shield stood at you through a murder hole, yet he can still ADS whilst protecting himself. It just seems way to overpowered. Hopefully, you won't be able to ADS whilst your shield is active, as this would just be ridiculously over-powered.

Looking at the 14 seconds worth of footage, from what I can tell the map will have a slightly more 'open' feel to it. Unlike the other maps in R6S, this map appears to be much more spacey, with less corridors and more big open rooms, which I personally think will be a hit, as much of R6S is currently all-out corridor warfare. This 'open' feel would be a nice change from what we currently have in the game, and I look forward to seeing that.

Final Words
So, what do you think? What are your opinions on the new operators and what do you think the new map will be like?