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Rising User
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Sep 23, 2016
Nottingham, UK
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So if you have all heard by now, Trump has been elected as POTUS (President of the United States) So I kind of want to see some funny replies to this.

On a scale of 0 to OMG, how badly have the citizens of the USA messed up? (This is friendly banter, please don't witch hunt anyone)

Showcase One

Beta Testers
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Jan 12, 2016
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I'm proud to be Auzzie.
But I'm sick of the publicity this is all getting in the Auszie media. If it weren't for the us term limits Barack would've been president again within 1 hour.
Here's a fun fact: emigration and moving countries are some of the top trending searches on Google now.


Rising User
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Nov 8, 2016
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All I can say is thank god for the atlantic ocean separating him from us in the UK!

In all seriousness though I reckon he's the lesser of two evils. Not wanting to start a political debate but Clinton is a warmongerer - Trump isn't great for the US but at least with him the world stands a better chance of avoiding WW3/nuclear holocaust.

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
Trump was the better solution, but the protests are rather ridiculous. Let me explain.

Millennials, people who have done little to no work due to social welfare and have never seen a candidate of their choosing lose, are throwing a fit because they don't know how to react when they lose outright and don't get a participation trophy. The "Not my president" chants make no sense because yes, he's your president whether you like him or not.
The protests will die off, but they are unfounded.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 8, 2016
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Trump was the better solution, but the protests are rather ridiculous. Let me explain.

Millennials, people who have done little to no work due to social welfare and have never seen a candidate of their choosing lose, are throwing a fit because they don't know how to react when they lose outright and don't get a participation trophy. The "Not my president" chants make no sense because yes, he's your president whether you like him or not.
The protests will die off, but they are unfounded.


These people love democracy and love telling everyone else to vote, but when democracy does exactly what it's meant to and it doesn't go their way they cry about it. How does burning your country's flag help the situation? It only proves you're a sad crybaby who doesn't really understand how democracy works.

We had a similar issue with the Brexit vote. The Remain supporters crying out for a re-vote just because they lost, pathetic really.


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Aug 8, 2016
Brisbane Australia
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been Aussie not really into oversea`s politics we have enough idiots running this country.

But when you take away all the BS what Trump have said in the past, nuking this county, great wall, this and that and get down to what he wants to accomplish with Jobs, Economy, Defense, Heath Care I have read some really good stuff (he seems to be focusing a lot on jobs) The only thing i don`t really agree on is removing themselves from trans-Pacific trade agreement. We shell see in the coming years. He won`t be able to say what he really thinks now everything will be pre-written for him.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 27, 2016
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Without going to much into details and facts I feel that america deserves a bit of trump, even if thinking about him having the power to nuke who ever insults him on twitter makes me shiver....
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