News PS4.5 Thoughts?

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Apr 2, 2015
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Seen a lot of articles today about the PS Neo or better known as the PS4k or the PS4.5. What are your thoughts on it?

I think it is a big middle finger to all the people who purchased original PS4s. Now the fact that we have to buy new hardware to play games with a better framerate or visuals is aggravating to say the least. Mid generation upgrades are stupid. Have had a couple of friends already jump over to Xbox one from this news, and I dont blame them.

What are your thoughts on it?


The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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Well since i am a Ps4 owner myself i have mixed feelings. Since the visual is actually the only big upgrade it contains and games are still playable on both i more see this as an optional upgrade. Looking back at the Xbox 360 wich later on got an Elite and Slim version this is kinda the same. Now some may feel screwed by sony but it is only a matter of time before xbox comes with a upgraded version leaving them to feel the same then?

When i think about the Ps4 got released in 2013 wich is now 3 years ago. It is only more then normal that they come with a upgrade since they have taken effort and time into making this possible so no i don't feel screwed.
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2015
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Well since i am a Ps4 owner myself i have mixed feelings. Since the visual is actually the only big upgrade it contains and games are still playable on both i more see this as an optional upgrade. Looking back at the Xbox 360 wich later on got an Elite and Slim version this is kinda the same. Now some may feel screwed by sony but it is only a matter of time before xbox comes with a upgraded version leaving them to feel the same then?

The difference between this is that the differences in the 360 versions are only looks. Internally they are the exact same console. This PS4 has better internals and is a more superior machine, which is where current PS4 owners get screwed over.


The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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The difference between this is that the differences in the 360 versions are only looks. Internally they are the exact same console. This PS4 has better internals and is a more superior machine, which is where current PS4 owners get screwed over.
I don't agree with you on this. The elite from the 360 had an internal upgrade. And thinking back the Ps4 got released in 2013 wich makes it more then normal they now come with an upgrade since over a time span of 3 years new tech comes available. It is only a matter of time for microsoft to come with an upgraded version for the Xbox one. Companies want to earn money and are always looking for ways to achieve this. You don't believe xbox is staying behind now do you? Since the era of consoles they always made newer versions as the years pass by and so do they do now.


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Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2015
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I don't agree with you on this. The elite from the 360 had an internal upgrade. And thinking back the Ps4 got released in 2013 wich makes it more then normal they now come with an upgrade since over a time span of 3 years new tech comes available. It is only a matter of time for microsoft to come with an upgraded version for the Xbox one. Companies want to earn money and are always looking for ways to achieve this. You don't believe xbox is staying behind now do you? Since the era of consoles they always made newer versions as the years pass by and so do they do now.
Good points! I guess I'm just not a fan of mid generation upgrades. Sony could just wait until 2018 and announce a PS5 instead of this. Idk only time will tell!


Rising User
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Jun 10, 2015
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I haven't bought a ps4 yet so this is something that I'm interested in,I can see how people would be mad,but sony are being smart by not having neo exclusive games. The hardware is important but if the games all play on any either versions of the console then it's cool with me


Rising User
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Mar 31, 2016
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I mean the only difference between the PS4.5 is a better hardware
I would rather keep the one I have it works just fine :D


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jan 17, 2015
Barcelona, Spain
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Seen a lot of articles today about the PS Neo or better known as the PS4k or the PS4.5. What are your thoughts on it?

I think it is a big middle finger to all the people who purchased original PS4s. Now the fact that we have to buy new hardware to play games with a better framerate or visuals is aggravating to say the least. Mid generation upgrades are stupid. Have had a couple of friends already jump over to Xbox one from this news, and I dont blame them.

What are your thoughts on it?
I totally agree with you, this is an insult to everyone who has bought a Ps4. The worst of all this is the obvious fact that the Ps4.5 games won't be compatible with the old Ps4 because of a lack of hardware power of the first Ps4. I'm starting to save money to buy a GTX 970 and completly jump over to Pc.

Trophy W Gaming

Rising User
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Apr 24, 2016
United Kingdom
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I think its a crap move by Sony to be fair, i certainly wont be buying one, if it's capable of 4k gameplay then you'll need a 4k tv to play it, i just hope that they dont start making exclusive games for it