Opinion Question Regarding Website

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Renowned User
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Jan 18, 2016
Toronto, Ontario
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Hey guys, so I actually have a question regarding a website that I own. At this time I own MindofCarnage.com and have a over 3600 followers. I was a wrestling news site, but have since stopped posting wrestling related news and just provide a hosted site for podcasters regarding wrestling. I've been thinking that instead of developing a new site if I should just incorporate my gaming content on the same website as well. I can change it around to showcase both wrestling related content and gaming content. If you type Healpleaseheal.com if already directs you to this site as I registered the domain so it wouldn't be taken.

Just wanted to get your thoughts on this? Is this a good idea to share content?

The Realm Of The Geek

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Sep 25, 2016
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Hmm, I don't really think you should..

I say this because out of those 3,600 people that followed your site for Wrestling News, I'd imagine only around 5% of them would actually view some gaming content on a mainly-wrestling content site.. and I'd imagine only about 2% of the 5% that saw the gaming content would continue reading / viewing the gaming stuff..

And, if you get a following on there for gaming as well, it would be a very odd mix in my opinion.. but in the end, its your choice, I'm just putting in my two-cents ;)


The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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Hey guys, so I actually have a question regarding a website that I own. At this time I own MindofCarnage.com and have a over 3600 followers. I was a wrestling news site, but have since stopped posting wrestling related news and just provide a hosted site for podcasters regarding wrestling. I've been thinking that instead of developing a new site if I should just incorporate my gaming content on the same website as well. I can change it around to showcase both wrestling related content and gaming content. If you type Healpleaseheal.com if already directs you to this site as I registered the domain so it wouldn't be taken.

Just wanted to get your thoughts on this? Is this a good idea to share content?
Gaming and Wrestling are 2 different subjects. The following base you have now is based on the Wrestling part so adding gaming to that might have a negative effect depending on the content.
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Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Jan 18, 2016
Toronto, Ontario
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Hmm, I don't really think you should..

I say this because out of those 3,600 people that followed your site for Wrestling News, I'd imagine only around 5% of them would actually view some gaming content on a mainly-wrestling content site.. and I'd imagine only about 2% of the 5% that saw the gaming content would continue reading / viewing the gaming stuff..

And, if you get a following on there for gaming as well, it would be a very odd mix in my opinion.. but in the end, its your choice, I'm just putting in my two-cents ;)
I appreciate that and for sure will keep it in mind.[DOUBLEPOST=1503411721][/DOUBLEPOST]
Gaming and Wrestling are 2 different subjects. The following base you have now is based on the Wrestling part so adding gaming to that might have a negative effect depending on the content.
that is true. Thanks for the input.
Jul 5, 2017
Most of your followers would be expecting wrestling based content and gaming is a totally different genre, people might react negative towards this change, but i suppose you never know until you try.
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Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Jan 18, 2016
Toronto, Ontario
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Most of your followers would be expecting wrestling based content and gaming is a totally different genre, people might react negative towards this change, but i suppose you never know until you try.
it's true, I'll have to give this more thought.[DOUBLEPOST=1503415624][/DOUBLEPOST]
you could have both on one site, it's no problem. plus you already started making the platform with the first website
True, i just have to see if the current fan base would be susceptible with this.