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Full Member
Feb 5, 2016
Austin, Texas
YouTube Channel ID
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Hey, you should check out reddit for posting your gaming videos in subreddits that allow it. It can help you grow pretty fast. There are a ton of gaming channels out there so it can be hard. I myself love to do let's plays. If you like retro games like original pokemon, or some cool indie games, you should check me out on youtube as well.


Full Member
May 8, 2014
United States
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Hey there! This sounds cheesy AF right? Yeah, it does. Anyway I make gaming content and I don't upload to youtube much but I will be soon.
http://www.youtube.com/HandzUpGaming check it out :)
Hey man, thanks for introducing yourself! Believe it or not I really enjoyed watching your "Editing test" video on your channel! I think it was the music that really captivated me! Keep up the great work man!