Entertainment Say Hi to my CHANNEL

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New User
Jan 19, 2017
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey guys, so ive been running my channel for about a year now but have kind of hit a lul in movement and views. Im looking for more because enjoy is never enough lol haha sorry thought i would throw that in there, so i upload games challenges vlogs and anything that crosses my mind.
I wanna get it going again and hope this is the place.

Pls Check it out
Links Below and leave a comment on the vid if you liked or subscribed!
TURNS out now :( well apparently its invalid but my channel should come up if you search
THE new name is CXS but i havent posted often under it so it wont appear under that search

zeke morgan

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
The reason why its showing as an error is because you have copied over the full URL into the YouTube section of your forum account - what you should have done is only copied over the channel ID section, in your case it would be UCq5JRiTjuU5zwVUvRNzo-GQ

Also may I welcome you to the Freedom forum community. I hope you enjoy your time here, and if you have any questions or concerns then please don't hesitate to get in touch.


New User
Jan 19, 2017
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
The reason why its showing as an error is because you have copied over the full URL into the YouTube section of your forum account - what you should have done is only copied over the channel ID section, in your case it would be UCq5JRiTjuU5zwVUvRNzo-GQ

Also may I welcome you to the Freedom forum community. I hope you enjoy your time here, and if you have any questions or concerns then please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Thanks for the help :)