Gaming Series You Wish Would Make A Comeback?

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Freedom! Member
Dec 27, 2016
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What video game series would you wish make a comeback, despite never having any further games or having on a hiatus for over a decade? I can easily think of a few off of the top of my head, especially since it's been close to or over a decade since their last main non-spinoff entries in their respective series.

I would really love for Monster Rancher to make a comeback. It was kind of popular despite being fairly niche in the 90s/early 2000s and the last main games we got were 4 and EVO for the PS2 and it's been over a decade even. We had the series explored as a MMO twice, but those two games were sadly Asia-only releases that blocked foreign IPs. Sure, they may need to make an update to how monsters can be obtained but physical discs are still fairly in despite their decline and the rise of digital.

Another franchise I really hope eventually returns, even at least in the next decade or so is Gex. His platforming games weren't exactly unique or too good but they were simple...Gex did simple great and this was even before RARE did Banjo-Kazooie. What really held Gex together was the theming with TV. Every world felt unique! Plus, the media we have today with how popular TV is and with streaming services proving to be viable competitors, I really hope he makes a comeback.