Gaming Shoutout Sundays | Gain active viewers and subscribers!!! | GamesTechno

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
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This Sunday i am going to start this great series of Sunday Shoutouts, To win a shout out comment below "I wan a shoutout GamesTechno". I know i don't have a good subscriber base, but believe me that we can together make some good amount of active subscribers and good new friends. This is the best way to gain new subscribers.

You don't have to subscribe necessarily to get a shout out from me.

Next Sunday i will be announcing the names of two youtubers who will get a shoutout from me :)

Link to first video in this series -
So, comment below if you want to get a shoutout on next sunday ;)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
You should consider moving this post to another thread. Posting videos aren't necessarily advised as well, but if you're looking for people to shout out, I'd study them beforehand. That way you can promote the ideal members for freedom ^^
I just can't fully understand, What do you want to say :/ but i hope you will not stop anyone from commenting here for a shoutout :) Have a good day :)
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