Community Sneaker shopping therapy and why I do it

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Mar 5, 2019
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Anyone who watches YouTube and thinks ohh it’s easy soon finds out it’s a crowded market. Same thing normally applies to new business owners. Most of the related channels have the views and subs. Everything you are finding out about how youtube works they already know. They have the sponsors a network and have a good loyal following.

However don’t let that stop you from doing what you love. If you get 4 views or 4000k views per video it doesn’t matter. If someone likes what you do. And has taken the time to check in on you. Appreciate that and keep going. Find your lane and find your space nothing happens over night.

I’d do what I’m doing regardless. I would buy what I buy regardless. So the fact I can document it and someone else watches I appreciate it. So youtube algorithms this that and the other don’t really matter. If I get a sponsor great, if not, no big deal. If I get in a network great, if not, no big deal I’ll build my own with other creators. I’ve grown and got this far in under 32 weeks (since starting #sneaker #shopping #therapy) by learning what my lane is. And I’m still learning. Every time I upload I’m learning. I’ve gone from uploading every couple of months or maybe once a year too once per week at a minimum, sometimes 2 or 3 times a week. It gives me other stuff to do just like golf or any other hobby.What I’ve learned is people are watching and for that I’m truly thankful. This sneaker shopping therapy series vlog isn’t about becoming a youtuber I’m already one by being a creator and creating content. By interacting with other youtube creators and participating in the community.

If I blow up and my videos get more views. I’m still going to be doing me. And checking out small youtubers and the youtubers I’ve watched in forever. Buying what I buy and making content I make. Having a passion for something outside of work gives you balance.

My channel has over 100k views most of which have come from the #sneaker #shopping #therapy series.
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Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator
Retired Administrator
Jun 1, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
No channel links in this section but as you have some good discussion I'll keep the post just remove the video link.

That's a great way of looking at doing YouTube, a lot of people are doing it because they want the extra money or fame. However if you take the time to make content just because you want to make the content it can really show. Usually I can tell the channels that are desperate for views/subs no matter the cost and it takes away from the viewing experience.