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Jan 31, 2015
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I hate when people ask me what I'm gonna do for a career, or if I'm going to college and questions like that. Usually I say "Oh I might go to college." or "I'm working." when all I really wanna say is YouTuber or actress...a lot of people look down on YouTuber cause they think it's not a real career, but they don't see all the opportunities that can be opened by doing it...I STILL haven't uploaded a video yet out of fear, nervousness, and I guess laziness. But whenever my mom yells at me or I don't have enough money to buy something or my family makes me mad, I get all inspired and fired up to upload and create...cause I really wanna get out of here. I'm tempted to just say "screw it" and just tell everyone what I am really doing or going to do...


Musician and amateur composer/producer
Freedom! Member
Apr 23, 2015
In the land of maple syrup and snow
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I know how you feel. I recently graduated from University and even to this day, I have to struggle to tell my parents on a daily basis that I am doing YouTube. Also, the economy is absolute **** right now for anyone that got out of school - it's much harder to find a "normal" jobs compare to a digital media job like YouTube or at least that's how it is where I'm living .

But right now, don't worry about what people see your dreams and goals. If you start creating and proving that you're working your ass off on this then people will start to understand what you want to do and pursue. Try to upload a video, it'll be probably nerve-wrecking but you never know how it feels unless you take your first step.


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Jan 31, 2015
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I know how you feel. I recently graduated from University and even to this day, I have to struggle to tell my parents on a daily basis that I am doing YouTube. Also, the economy is absolute **** right now for anyone that got out of school - it's much harder to find a "normal" jobs compare to a digital media job like YouTube or at least that's how it is where I'm living .

But right now, don't worry about what people see your dreams and goals. If you start creating and proving that you're working your ass off on this then people will start to understand what you want to do and pursue. Try to upload a video, it'll be probably nerve-wrecking but you never know how it feels unless you take your first step.

I just finished recording one. I don't have a YouTube channel, yet though. I have to make one...I hope it is good. It's not perfect but I'mjust testing the waters...


Musician and amateur composer/producer
Freedom! Member
Apr 23, 2015
In the land of maple syrup and snow
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I just finished recording one. I don't have a YouTube channel, yet though. I have to make one...I hope it is good. It's not perfect but I'mjust testing the waters...

Don't expect your first youtube video to be good, especially when you can improve from here on out. And you should make a youtube channel XD

Hail Kira

Game Show Host
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Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
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Only problem is 95% of people dont make any profit at all on youtube...

I make more working one day at my job than I have in my over 3 years on youtube.

So if your going to make it your job you gotta get started, and work hard to develop the skills you will need...


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Apr 17, 2016
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I feel like I am in the same boat. So many people don't think YouTube, or any social media for that matter, isn't a real job but it's because they are uninformed. They know what it is, but they don't realize there is the potential for profit. As for creating your own content, the first video is always the hardest. Once you get past the first video, they become wayyy easier to make. And if you don't feel comfortable telling anyone what you are doing, or what you want to do, don't. I still have yet to tell any of my family members about my channel, and quite frankly, they don't need to know until I want them to know. Good luck!

Olivea Sea

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Aug 29, 2015
Right behind you.... BOOH!
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I hate when people ask me what I'm gonna do for a career, or if I'm going to college and questions like that. Usually I say "Oh I might go to college." or "I'm working." when all I really wanna say is YouTuber or actress...a lot of people look down on YouTuber cause they think it's not a real career, but they don't see all the opportunities that can be opened by doing it...I STILL haven't uploaded a video yet out of fear, nervousness, and I guess laziness. But whenever my mom yells at me or I don't have enough money to buy something or my family makes me mad, I get all inspired and fired up to upload and create...cause I really wanna get out of here. I'm tempted to just say "screw it" and just tell everyone what I am really doing or going to do...

Just leave the question open to people who are not supportive of you dreams, tell the ones interested and people you genuinly trust with your dreams. Parents can be a great pain in the ass so I always say sometimes a little white lie is okay just because not everything should be an argument, it will tire you out and cause a bad relationship. Just show them you work and succes if they are interested but don't try to change them..... I know we all want to but mostly that ends badly.

I just quit my bachelor's degree because I was failing my study and it was a hard choice but it was better for me, I put it off a long time mainly because of the opinion of others, but now I made the choice and every day I'm feeling better and better that I did. Parents want the best for us and they think that the best for them is also the same for us. They forget that we need to make our own choices and prefrences in life....

Just love them for who they are and try to look at it from their point of view, why would they say certain thing and could you agree in their position. You don't always have to agree but you should think if it is worth the fight.
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Full Member
Jan 31, 2015
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I feel like I am in the same boat. So many people don't think YouTube, or any social media for that matter, isn't a real job but it's because they are uninformed. They know what it is, but they don't realize there is the potential for profit. As for creating your own content, the first video is always the hardest. Once you get past the first video, they become wayyy easier to make. And if you don't feel comfortable telling anyone what you are doing, or what you want to do, don't. I still have yet to tell any of my family members about my channel, and quite frankly, they don't need to know until I want them to know. Good luck!

I still haven't uploaded the one I recorded yet haha! And yeah I'm trying to keep it a secret. Anytime anyone asks I just say I work from home and when they ask "doing what?" I just say computer stuff...

Phil Kidd

Human Person
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Dec 10, 2014
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I still haven't uploaded the one I recorded yet haha! And yeah I'm trying to keep it a secret. Anytime anyone asks I just say I work from home and when they ask "doing what?" I just say computer stuff...
If you really want to do YouTube as a career, you need to start uploading ASAP regardless of your insecurities. Every day you don't have content online, you're wasting time and possible growth. Time to get realistic.


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Jan 31, 2015
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Just leave the question open to people who are not supportive of you dreams, tell the ones interested and people you genuinly trust with your dreams. Parents can be a great pain in the ass so I always say sometimes a little white lie is okay just because not everything should be an argument, it will tire you out and cause a bad relationship. Just show them you work and succes if they are interested but don't try to change them..... I know we all want to but mostly that ends badly.

I just quit my bachelor's degree because I was failing my study and it was a hard choice but it was better for me, I put it off a long time mainly because of the opinion of others, but now I made the choice and every day I'm feeling better and better that I did. Parents want the best for us and they think that the best for them is also the same for us. They forget that we need to make our own choices and prefrences in life....

Just love them for who they are and try to look at it from their point of view, why would they say certain thing and could you agree in their position. You don't always have to agree but you should think if it is worth the fight.

A long time ago when I first started, (I'm starting this YouTube thing over) I THINK my parents found out I was making videos and they laughed and made fun of me. Just like when I told them I wanted to be an actress. My mom was like, "What makes you think you can be an actress? They can cry, scream, and puke, and blah blah at the drop of a hat. What makes you think you can be on the same level as them? This time around I told them I wanted to do this, I didn't exactly say YouTubing, I said vlogging. My dad said, people don't get paid for that and I said yes they do, so they allowed me to buy a camera and I got some editing software now I need a laptop to edit on. I hope my career takes of soon so I can get out of here. Me and my parents hardly ever see eye to eye...ESPECIALLY my mom...I try to work and record and upload when they're not home cause they hardly respect my privacy, especially my mom. And I don't want anyone telling me what to do with my own channel. So I think I'm gonna keep it a secret now...


Full Member
Jan 31, 2015
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I still haven't uploaded the one I recorded yet haha! And yeah I'm trying to keep it a secret. Anytime anyone asks I just say I work from home and when they ask "doing what?" I just say computer stuff...
Plus I try to work and recoding and upload when my parents aren't home, so I don't have any interruptions and I don't want anyone telling me how to run things or what to upload or what to do with my own channel...my parents don't respect my privacy too much, my dad gives me space but my mom probably doesn't even know the meaning of the word...


Full Member
Jan 31, 2015
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If you really want to do YouTube as a career, you need to start uploading ASAP regardless of your insecurities. Every day you don't have content online, you're wasting time and possible growth. Time to get realistic.
I have to wait until my parents leave though...but I always worry about if the video is perfect or if I edited it good enough...I know I'm wasting time.


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Freedom! Member
Jun 4, 2014
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I know what you mean. A lot of people don't see being a YouTuber as a career. It can be really hard to explain to such people what it is that you are doing. Other people's opinion doesn't matter though as long as you're happy doing what you're doing. And as mentioned above, if you're not comfortable telling anyone that you wanna pursue a career in YouTube or Acting, don't. No needs to know unless you want them to know.
Just go ahead and do your thing. When you become big on YouTube and actually have enough of a monthly income to support yourself, then you can show the 'go get a real job' people that it is actually possible to pursue a career in YouTube.
But yeah if you're gonna make on YouTube, you've gotta give it everything you've got. Getting started can be hard, but it's worth the effort. And if you've got support, from family for example, it's all the more better.

I have to wait until my parents leave though...but I always worry about if the video is perfect or if I edited it good enough...I know I'm wasting time.
The video doesn't have to be perfect. You're a beginner, and there's no shame in showing it. In fact, a lot of the viewers will appreciate your honesty about that. Atleast that's the way I see it. Also, you can ask your viewers for tips and feedback. I got a lot of tips and feedback from my viewers, and also learned a lot over time. All this helped me improve. If you visit my channel and see the first video, and the latest video, HUGE difference.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2015
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I know what you mean. A lot of people don't see being a YouTuber as a career. It can be really hard to explain to such people what it is that you are doing. Other people's opinion doesn't matter though as long as you're happy doing what you're doing. And as mentioned above, if you're not comfortable telling anyone that you wanna pursue a career in YouTube or Acting, don't. No needs to know unless you want them to know.
Just go ahead and do your thing. When you become big on YouTube and actually have enough of a monthly income to support yourself, then you can show the 'go get a real job' people that it is actually possible to pursue a career in YouTube.
But yeah if you're gonna make on YouTube, you've gotta give it everything you've got. Getting started can be hard, but it's worth the effort. And if you've got support, from family for example, it's all the more better.

The video doesn't have to be perfect. You're a beginner, and there's no shame in showing it. In fact, a lot of the viewers will appreciate your honesty about that. Atleast that's the way I see it. Also, you can ask your viewers for tips and feedback. I got a lot of tips and feedback from my viewers, and also learned a lot over time. All this helped me improve. If you visit my channel and see the first video, and the latest video, HUGE difference.

So from your username, are you a musician?