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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 27, 2016
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Hey all! I've been having a LOT of trouble staying motivated lately, and not just in making content for my channel, but also work, chores, and just plain life in general. I know it's mostly the weather, but that brings me to the point of this post. I had started a winter fitness motivation thingy where I did a longplay in hour long segments along with rules for exercising throughout the hour.

It's pretty fun and I'm pretty far in the game, but the problem now is I often have trouble even just getting up in the morning, let alone trying to do anything outside of sleeping and going to work. Do you guys have any tips or tricks for keeping yourself motivated through the colder weather?

Logan Bloomfield

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Dec 7, 2016
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just remember why you want to do certain things and make that be your motivation. For example I am planning on going into the special forces for Air Force soon and I am training for it right now, its hard especially in 9 degree weather but I want to serve this country so I keep going. I wont be leaving for another year but training and staying motivated is everything
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The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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Well when it comes down to work i have zero motivation, i work many night shifts wich are a drag but when i think of the fun i always have with my fellow workers is what gets the tank running.

As for my youtube channel i simply love gaming and recently continued with my main series after taking a break. When losing interest in something to record i switch to a other game or take small break since i always record ahead.

Oh and getting out of a warm bed when it is cold outside is tough but i always try to convince my wife to make some warm coffee and that does the job haha :p
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Technology King

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Jul 14, 2016
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Well, life can be hard. For me, it is kinda. I was diagnosed cancer, and i am fighting it with all my power. And guess what, i will be okay, for sure!
Study, because nobody else will do it for you. Work hard because nobody else will do it for you. Try eating healthier for a few days. I stopped eating meat and dairy, and i feel many times better, actually, i never felt this good! I have motivation to record for Youtube, study for school and workout at this situation.

Just think about it. You have one life. Use it as much as you can, work hard, be healthy, be fit and positive. :)

Chris Carruthers

Rising User
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Dec 14, 2016
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Well, life can be hard. For me, it is kinda. I was diagnosed cancer, and i am fighting it with all my power. And guess what, i will be okay, for sure!
Study, because nobody else will do it for you. Work hard because nobody else will do it for you. Try eating healthier for a few days. I stopped eating meat and dairy, and i feel many times better, actually, i never felt this good! I have motivation to record for Youtube, study for school and workout at this situation.

Just think about it. You have one life. Use it as much as you can, work hard, be healthy, be fit and positive. :)

Well said. Noone can give you what you should earn yourself.

And I guarantee that positive attitude is the reason you fought so well.