PC Collaboration Stream Collaboration Partner

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New User
Freedom! Member
Sep 11, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Looking for someone to collaborate with in H1Z1 king of the kill. I stream a lot of other games just trying to get my channel out there more. Steam account is TheLuckyNarwhal. Have a great day!

Im looking for someone like 16+
Decent mic (I prefer Curse voice I think it is the best and recently got bought out by Twitch)
Streams on weekends (Eastern Standard time zone) I normally start around 6:30am
I keep my stuff clean so if you want to collaborate you can swear but I want to keep it to a minimum. Thank you!


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Looking for someone to collaborate with in H1Z1 king of the kill. I stream a lot of other games just trying to get my channel out there more. Steam account is TheLuckyNarwhal. Have a great day!

Im looking for someone like 16+
Decent mic (I prefer Curse voice I think it is the best and recently got bought out by Twitch)
Streams on weekends (Eastern Standard time zone) I normally start around 6:30am
I keep my stuff clean so if you want to collaborate you can swear but I want to keep it to a minimum. Thank you!
I'm 16, commonly thought to be 18, and I'd say my voice is quite deep, but not to the point where its too deep