Entertainment TEASER FOR MY NEW REVIEW - Feedback Request

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 11, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey guys, Steve Here!

Currently working on a new Movie Review of the Arnie travesty known as - Hercules In New York

So here's a teaser I posted for Valentines Day on my channel for a bit of fun, and to give you an idea of what to expect this Friday.

If you have a moment i'd love to hear what you guys think of it, or what you think of anything else on my channel in the comments section.

Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated, and I am totally open to suggestions if people have them :)

Anyways, have a great day and enjoy!


"A few days late from Valentines Day, but the Love Clinic is still open!!

Having trouble finding the perfect woman? Always getting friendzoned?

Here's some sage advice from the Love Guru himself!"