How To TH3LPIE Here! $200 Giveaway on my Channel!

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New User
Mar 31, 2016
Urmm hello! TH3LPIE here! I am a fairly recent YouTuber who wants to revive his channel! I do a various number of tutorials which I think can help others on their YouTube endeavours! At the moment, I am doing a pretty big Giveaway worth 200 to bring back some life to my channel as I had a 7 month abscense from YouTube. Before that I was just a geeky kid trying to help people but I didn't know much so YouTube never took off with me.. I have 545 subscribers. Thanks for reading this and I'd appreciate it if you could check my channel out. I am doing a shout out Sunday series for other YouTubers if they need it. Thank you for your time! As soon as I reach 1k subscribers, I will be doing a 400 dollar Giveaway so stay tuned!

Mr Wooff

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 7, 2014
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Well good for you but just a little word of advice doing a giveaway just because you left for a long time might not be the best way to gain back your subs :confused: your more likly to gain unactive subs but if its for your fans righty now then good :) anyway welcome to freedom :) and welcome back to YouTube :)


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
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Urmm hello! TH3LPIE here! I am a fairly recent YouTuber who wants to revive his channel! I do a various number of tutorials which I think can help others on their YouTube endeavours! At the moment, I am doing a pretty big Giveaway worth 200 to bring back some life to my channel as I had a 7 month abscense from YouTube. Before that I was just a geeky kid trying to help people but I didn't know much so YouTube never took off with me.. I have 545 subscribers. Thanks for reading this and I'd appreciate it if you could check my channel out. I am doing a shout out Sunday series for other YouTubers if they need it. Thank you for your time! As soon as I reach 1k subscribers, I will be doing a 400 dollar Giveaway so stay tuned!
Heya Pie, why did you take a break beforehand? I understand that life can get in the way at times. That's a lot of money to give away! What inspired you to come back to help people that are in need?