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Cinefilm Studios

Full Member
Nov 29, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
I'm Colby Robison. I'm about to begin my YouTube Channel Cinefilm Studios very soon! I plan to release sketches & short films, as I've had a passion for professional filmmaking my whole life!
This is actually not entirely new to me - I've had a lifetime of experience past me (Joke intended - I'm only 14 XD)
=Modeled at 3 years old & even won 2 contests!
=Joined in elementary school Drama Club in 4th & 5th grade & did 2 plays
=Professional acting in 5th grade for about 2 years, was an extra in 2 movies, minor character in 1
1) Life of a Champion - Minor Character (Film festival movie)
2) Congratulations! - Extra https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/congratulations!/id1038750356
3) Unknown movie - Extra
=Started gaming YouTube channel soon after leaving acting (Parents released me off of acting due to lots of time & money effort) called _AwesomeColby50_ for 3 years
-PROFESSIONAL editing & reached 120 subs in LESS THAN 5 months, partnered with Freedom!-
=Left YouTube in 7th grade due to business socially
Now I'm a freshman, and I desire to return to YouTube, but not just as a YouTuber this time.. I not only want to get back into acting, My passion in in the OVERALL film production. I plan to use my channel to practice my filmmaking, as well as be able to entertain the audience that views my films! My goal is that I will be able to reach the point where I can enjoy this not only as a pass-time, but even be able to make a living off of doing what I love, so I get the privledge to focus on my passion full-time!
Though I do not want to get my hopes up too much, I do dearly hope that with the help & support of Freedom! and the network's community, I will be able to achieve my dream goal!
Thanks again to everyone who read this story!
(The channel is still under WIP, but you can still check out the link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWnhfyTiQFaQHwb0da6sP6w)